Archive for the “Map” Category


Saturday, September 22nd, 2007

londons kerning, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

On having & giving

Thursday, September 20th, 2007

oil, originally uploaded by densitydesign.


Paris – Carte Intégrale

Tuesday, September 18th, 2007

Paris – Carte Intégrale, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

Social Graph

Sunday, September 16th, 2007

Social Circles – Venn map, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

Brad Firzpatrick recently wrote an elegant and important post about the Social Graph, a term used by Facebook to describe their social network In his post, Fitzpatrick defines “social graph” as “the global mapping of everybody and how they’re related”. He went on to outline the problems with it, as well as a broad set of goals going forward…

Global cities

Thursday, September 6th, 2007

Global cities, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

An infographically-inspired exhibition at the Tate Modern addressing the major issues facing today’s cities, such as size, speed, form, density & diversity. The exhibition draws on data originally assembled for the 10th International Architecture Exhibition at the 2006 Venice Biennale. The show presents films, videos &

Similar Diversity

Tuesday, September 4th, 2007

Holy Scriptures text map

Similar Diversity is an information graphic which opens up a new perspective at the topics religion and faith by visualizing the Holy Books of five world religions. Communalities and differences of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism are shown up in this datavisualization.
The visual’s basis is an objective text analysis of the Holy Scriptures, and works without any interpretations from the creators’ side. Despite – or even because of this abstraction, the artworks are not only working on an informal but also on an emotional level. The viewers should be inspired to think about own prejudices and current religious conflicts.

Christian Nold

Monday, July 2nd, 2007

Christian Nold, originally uploaded by densitydesign. Artist, lecturer, designer, cultural activist … etc.

His website unifies all the strands of his work, from participatory art projects, critical writing as well as new media and physical computing teaching.

Travel-time Maps and their Uses

Thursday, June 28th, 2007

Travel-time Maps and their Uses, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

Transport maps and timetables help people work out how to get from A to B using buses, trains and other forms of public transport. But what if you don’t yet know what journey you want to make? How can maps help then?
This may seem a strange question to ask, but it is one we all face in several situations:
* Where would I like to work?
* Where would I like to live?
* Where would I like to go on holiday?

These are much more complicated questions than those about individual journeys, but one thing they all have in common is transport: can I get to and from the places I’m considering quickly and easily?

The maps on this page show one way of answering that question.

Death and Taxes

Thursday, June 28th, 2007

Death and Taxes, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

The budger graph is visual guide to USA federal taxes, ‘Death and Taxes’ is a representational graph of the federal discretionary budget.

Man as machine

Wednesday, June 27th, 2007

Man as machine, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

For thousands of years human beings have used metaphors as ways of understanding the body. We talk about our ‘ear drums’, or our ‘mind’s eye’. When we are in love we say our hearts are ‘bursting’ or ‘broken’. When we are nervous we say we have ‘butterflies in our stomach’. When we are impatient we have ‘itchy feet’. These familiar images help to explain the unfamiliar and to comprehend the complexity of our bodies.

Man as machine, originally uploaded by densitydesign.

The image above, by the artist Fritz Kahn,